
Basic Oxygen Furnace - BOF

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Generation of BOF Aggregates

The annual amount of BOF aggregates in Taiwan is about 1.6 Millions tons.

Molten hot BOF aggregates (~1300° C)

BOF Aggregates Products

Flow chart of BOF Aggregates Recycling

Japan - BOF Aggregates for Airport Construction

During 2000 – 2010, there were five major airports in Japan using BOF aggregates for construction.

Kitakyusha Airport 2000 - 2002
Central Japan International Airport 2001 - 2004
Kobe Airport 2003 - 2004
Kansai International Airport 2004 - 2007
Tokyo International Airport 2007 - 2010

BOF Aggregates used in formal roads

Asphalt concrete made with BOF Aggregates


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